Command Line Operation

Ullr can take several useful command line arguments, which will be described below. Ullr can also be run interactively through the terminal, without the use of the web interface. This can be useful for reducing processing overhead, or for monitoring operation on headless installations.

Command Line Arguments

Ullr accepts several useful command line arguments.

Ignore the config file

ullr --empty

This starts Ullr with a blank, default configuration regardless of any settings in the configuration file. This is useful for fixing broken config files or for starting fresh.

Use an arbitrary config file

ullr --file my-config.ini

This loads devices from a user-specified config file in an arbitrary location rather than from the standard config file.

Specify WebUI port

ullr --uiport 1234

By default, Ullr serves the Web UI on port 5000 of the local machine. You can use the –uiport flag to specify a different port. This is useful if port 5000 is not available, or if multiple instances of Ullr are to be run on the same machine (be careful doing this!)

Open WebUI on run

ullr --popup

This opens a browser to the web interface when Ullr is run. This is the defualt for Windows .msi package installations.

Running in the Terminal

ullr --nowebui

This runs Ullr in the terminal without starting the web interface. Configuration can be done interactively, though not all of the WebUI features are available, most notably the late message handling features.